Hello everyone:
You may have heard recently that too much omega-6 essential fatty acids can be bad for our health. There is truth to this emerging information, so let’s run this down.
First of all, overheating of any oil is bad news as it creates a series of inflammatory chemicals that are harmful. This is one of the problems with ready-made processed foods…the oils have been heated and de-natured and offer few benefits and some harm.
But as the science emerges, it is the imbalance of the optimal Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio that is the primary concern. The chronic over consumption of Omega-6 oils leads to problems. While it is known that Omega-6 oils are essential and have a host of beneficial effects, the loss of the proper dietary ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is a significant issue.
“…there is also evidence that a high omega-6 fatty acid diet inhibits the anti-inflammatory and inflammation-resolving effect of the omega-3 fatty acids.”
“Up until about 100 years ago, the omega-6/3 ratio has been around 4:1 or less. However, the typical Western diet now provides an omega-6/3 ratio of approximately 20:1 in favor of omega-6. This predisposes to supraphysiologic inflammatory responses and perpetuates chronic low-grade inflammation. The overconsumption of linoleic acid, mainly from industrial omega-6 seed oils, and the lack of long-chain omega-3s in the diet creates a pro-inflammatory, pro-allergic, pro-thrombotic state. Reducing the omega-6/3 ratio, particularly through reductions in the intake of refined omega-6 seed oil, and increasing the intake of marine omega-3s, either through dietary means or supplementation, may be an effective strategy for reducing inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune reactions.”
Bottom Line:
Avoid using high heat on any oil when cooking. Unfortunately, almost all processed foods are loaded with Omega-6 oils that have suffered some type of heat or other chemical processes that damage them and lend toward an inflammatory reaction, and they also contain virtually no Omega-3’s. Thus, avoid or massively reduce processed foods that contain the following oils: cottonseed, sunflower, soy, grapeseed, canola. Reduce your Omega-6 intake from added oils…get what you need from food. Unprocessed, whole plant-based foods have plenty of Omega-6’s in their natural and unprocessed, health building state. Increase dietary sources of Omega-3’s and do not over-heat them. Have a blood test to look at your levels of Essential Fatty Acids to determine if a supplement of Omega-3’s would be beneficial.
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