Hello everyone:
Thanks for taking your valuable time to stay informed. Here is an interesting paper that revealed that a better dietary food quality was associated with less body pain. Well, duh. We all know that some foods are a major source of inflammation, such as the Standard American Diet (SAD), and higher consumption of an unprocessed, whole-food plant-based patterns tends to significantly lower inflammation.
“Better diet quality is associated with lower bodily pain, irrespective of adiposity. Findings highlight the potential role of diet quality in pain management and function, particularly in women.”
“After an exhaustive bibliography search, we designed a 13-item anti-inflammatory dietary guide based on a Mediterranean diet without red meat, gluten, or cow’s milk (the AnMeD-S). We then conducted a pilot study to evaluate the efficacy of this anti-inflammatory diet in patients with CP (Chronic Pain).
We found a correlation between increased anti-inflammatory food intake and improved physical characteristics, stress, and pain in the patients we assessed. Moreover, decreased consumption of pro-inflammatory foods was positively correlated with sleep satisfaction. Following the AnMeD-S was associated with improved physical characteristics and quality-of-life in patients with CP.”
Bottom Line:
By combining an anti-inflammatory food plan with eTRF (see last week’s blog) you can seriously lower your inflammatory burden, ease pain, slow aging, improve immune function, feel and look better plus more. Check out this link for some ideas of where to start. It is easier than you might imagine!
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