Hello everyone:
This is an enormously important newsletter which I urge you to read and click the links so that you become aware of how pervasive and terrible this issue of a toxic loaded environment has become. This link is from a mainstream medical newsletter and not from a natural or alternative source. This is critically important because it reveals just how serious this problem has become. The opening paragraphs reveal just how stunning these problems are and how the typical American lifestyle has totally devasted our health. I have included many links so that you can get thoroughly educated about this and thus be able to do something about it.
“If the pandemic served as a window into our health, what it revealed was a US population that is not only sick but also seemingly only getting sicker. Life expectancy is falling precipitously. Three fourths of Americans are overweight or obese, half have diabetes or prediabetes, and a majority are metabolically unhealthy. Furthermore, the rates of allergic, inflammatory, and autoimmune diseases are rising at rates of 3%-9% per year in the West, far faster than the speed of genetic change in this population.
Of course, diet and lifestyle are major factors behind such trends, but a grossly underappreciated driver in what ails us is the role of environmental toxins and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. In years past, these factors have largely evaded the traditional Western medical establishment; however, mounting evidence now supports their significance in fertility, metabolic health, and cancer.
Although several industrial chemicals and toxins have been identified as carcinogens and have subsequently been regulated, many more remain persistent in the environment and continue to be freely used. It is therefore incumbent upon both the general public and clinicians to be knowledgeable about these exposures. Here, we review some of the most common exposures and the substantial health risks associated with them, along with some general guidance around best practices for how to minimize exposure.”
Bottom Line:
I would strongly urge you to go to the Environmental Working Group’s website and spend some time reading their material and downloading their free guides to lowering toxic chemicals in your environment. (www.ewg.org). It is not difficult to clean up your home and lifestyle exposures, yet it is under-valued and incredibly important. What steps can you take to start?
• Avoid processed foods and all plastic wrapped items.
• Bring your own bags to the market that are re-usable cloth or other sustainable fibers.
• Avoid water in plastic containers and use glass containers and water from home.
• Check your cosmetics and personal care products at www.ewg.org
• Store foods in glass and silicone containers and not plastic freezer or other bags.
• Avoid disposable containers.
• If you have to purchase something in plastic, make sure it can be recycled.
• Bring your own glass or stainless-steel mug when purchasing beverages out.
• Request that stores that you frequent find alternatives to plastic wrap or lined containers.
• Avoid drive-through food and packaging that is coated with chemicals.
• Avoid microwave popcorn as the bag is coated in plastics.
Please check out as many of these links as you feel you need to in order to obtain the knowledge that you must act on cleaning up the environment as well as how to do it.
Thank you. I promise you…you won’t believe what the science knows about how serious this is, yet few know about and fewer still do anything about it…but now that you know, you can do something meaningful just by taking small steps to clean out these toxins from your life.
1807 Huguenot Rd
Midlothian, VA 23113
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